Dear Client,
We hope this email finds you well and that you and your family are safe as the COVID-19 pandemic continues to spread worldwide.
We want to keep you posted on the measures and actions that we have taken at DNA Direct Solutions to guarantee satisfactory and efficient service while at the same time take pertinent measures to take care of the health and safety of our company personnel and our clients.
Per CDC guidelines, we have taken measures to ensure our Customer Service and Fulfillment teams are practicing social distancing, working in clean room conditions and if necessary, working remotely. For your protection and peace of mind, all our DNA kits are sourced with US made materials and assembled in clean room environments. All swabs are sterilized by the manufacturer to guarantee your safety.
Our partner laboratory is classified as an essential business due to the DNA testing support they provide to local, state, federal and international judiciary systems. They have assured us that neither we or our clients will experience any interruptions in service.
In closing, we are here to help and ensure the DNA answers you are looking for are received in a timely manner. Please take good care of yourselves and your loved ones.
Best regards,
The Team at DNA Direct Solutions